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Arbor Estate

  • Plot Area: 10 Acres
    Built Up Area: 20,000 Sq. Ft
  • Owners : Kirti Anand and Anand Sundaram
    Architects Anil Nagrath & Associates
  • Landscape Consultant: Himanshu Arteev.
  • Structural Consultant: Parag Nerlekar.
  • MEP Consultant: AVA
  • Passive Cooling : Udit Shah

This is an Eco-Sensitive Petting Farm & Resort coming up near Hyderabad.
A barren site transformed by owners and their team into a living environment, enhancing the
flora- fauna by creating Miyawaki Forests, Large water bodies with rain water harvesting. This is
a place where one can experience a harmonious relationship between Humans, Animals, Birds,
Vegetation, Earth and Water. The architecture responds to the climate & context , thus, making
it sustainable and cost effective. The Campus Design comprises of Visitors’ Centre, Cafeteria,
Animal Barn, Amphitheatre, Guest cottages, Library, and a Swimming pool.
Local material is used extensively; Sundried earthen block masonry is predominantly used
along with stone from site and wire-cut burned bricks. There is a focus on solar passive design
using rat-trap bond, Sloping Roofs, Radiant Barriers & Thermo drain technology