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Papers Presented & Publications

  • IIA Urbanisation Conference–on Revitalizing Mill Lands 1994
  • International Conference on Humane Habitat ICHH 2000- on Affordable Housing For All
  • World Society for Ekistics Meetings at Hikone, Japan 2005 on Mumbai Floods.                 
  • International Conference on Humane Habitat 2006 on Sustainable Work Spaces in Mumbai.  
  • Architects Convention at Lahore April 2006 on Sustainable Growth In Mumbai
  • ICMA at Isfahan, Iran in December 2006 on the Impact of Islamic Concepts on Indian Architecture. 
  • ICHH 2007 on In Search of Harmony
  • ICHH 2010 on People’s in developing Affordable Sustainable Humane Habitat      
  • ICHH 2011 on Renewing the City-New Development on Old Footprint
  • ICHH 2014 on People’s Participation in Evolving Humane Habitat-A New Hope
  • ICHH 2015 on Quality of Life in Mumbai- Dharavi as a Case


JK AYA ABODES-25 Years of Award winning Houses. Co-Editor.

JK AYA WORK & PLAY- 27 years of Award winning Commercial and Recreational Projects.

JK AYA KNOW & HEAL- 28 years of Award winning Educational and Healthcare Projects.

FUTURES of RELEVANCE by Meera & Madhav Deobhakta- Contibuted 3 articles